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Showing posts from November, 2013

Permata Bank Namaste Festival 2013, Dedikasi bagi Keluarga Indonesia untuk Hidup yang Lebih Sehat

Permata Bank sebagai pendukung utama acara berkolaborasi dengan Namaste Festival mempersembahkan “Permata Bank Namaste Festival 2013″ yang diselenggarakan dari tanggal 29 November sampai dengan 1 Desember di Hotel Sultan Jakarta. Antusiasme masyarakat yang begitu tinggi terlihat sejak hari pertama Namaste Festival 2013 ini. Ratusan peserta telah hadir sejak pukul 08.00 pagi untuk mengikuti Yoga Class, Healing Class, Wellness Class, Kids and Parenting Program. Yoga Class diisi oleh pakar dan praktisi Yoga mancanegara maupun dalam negeri, seperti Tiffany ( Flip Our Perspective ), Rebecca ( Create Emotional Balance & Inner Peace ), Bri & Dice ( ABC’s of the Inverted Yoga Practice ), Anjasmara, Arif ( Vinyasa Yoga for General ), Ujie ( Heart Yoga For Compassion ), Dini ( Balance Army ), Gwyn (Fluid Yoga), Stefano ( Awareness in Movement ), Rebecca ( Heal Yourself and the World ), Jules ( Yoga Sound ), Gwyn ( An Expanded Heart ), Tiffany ( Aspired !), Yu...

Sumarsono Wuryadi | Crystal Healing

Any success in life comes down to one thing: being healthy. If we are unhealthy there is no way that we will have strength or clarity to do anything. Taking a holistic healing can clean your system, bad energy and negativity. Crystal is believed for its powerful healing power. It can change your health, energy and aura. It restores our cells and improves our organs to function in an optimum level. In this class, we learn about many different types of crystal and its benefits. The crystals are placed on 7 chakras of the human body. We can also use it as jewelry. If you have a heart problem, you wear jade or emerald as a necklace or place it around your chest. If you have a stomach issue, yellow stone is good for you.  Crystal also can remove blockage, fear, self-doubt. Rosequartz can enhance your love energy.Citrine can attract money and good luck by placing it in your pocket. If we use it for a long time, we always need to recharge our crystal by placing it und...