According to Mr. Sumarsono Wuryadi of Graha Sanjiwani, body aura is an energy field that surrounds the human body. Aura's body itself is made up of seven colors of the rainbow, namely: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. When used to require special skills to be able to see the aura body, so this time I see the aura body can only use Kirlian PHOTO or VIDEO commonly called AURA . Kirlian Photos has actually discovered since 1940 ago. While the workings of the Kirlian Photos This is a film that is placed between a standard that has a high voltage generator and the object to be photographed. The object to be photographed is part of our members. It could be a hand, chest, legs, etc. Besides using Kirlian Photo technology, we can also see the aura body by meditation. But how to see the aura of the body through meditation can not be done by just anyone. But we can use the body's way of seeing auras is a lot of exercise. The core of the body...
Wellness Counsellor & Holistic Therapist @Klinik Seroja. Kompleks Kedaung Hijau Blok H No.1. Jl. Ariyaputera, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. CP: Ibu Iis 0812-8990-390